About Us

Quality-it was founded in 2010 by Koen Wellens. Read more about who we are and our history in a nice timeline.

Strong in teamwork

Quality-it is an IT consultancy company by Koen Wellens. Before starting his career, he already started as a real team player. 25 years as a volleybal player and hopefully another 25 years as real Flandrien cyclist.

Sports have always been close to our heart and we intend to keep it that way. Supporting volleyballclub VC Kasterlee with new competition gear and cycling kits for fellow Flandriens.
Acting as a true teamplayer echoes on in the job as well with over 15 years of software testing and devops engineering in a team setting.

Our Vision

Bring the future of IT to our clients. Streamline, automate, integrate, communicate and educate to make the IT process more robust, efficient and fast as lightning.

Our Mission

Making your company better at devops & testing in every possible aspect.

Test, development, build and release tools
IT software education
Languages: Dutch, French, English, German
Social & communication

Our History

How we started up to where we stand today.


JFrog Artifactory Certified DevOps Engineer

Certified management of binary repositories, security, and CI/CD pipelines using Artifactory

Sponsorship: cycling team kit for 'flandriens'

Official sponsor of cycling team Flandriens


Kubernetes setup with ArgoCD and Kustomize

Azure DevOps pipeline agent setup on k8s

PowerAutomate AI flows

Setup automated flows based on business processes using AI decision flows


JFrog integration

Integrating JFrog Artifactory and Xray vulnerability scanning with Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines


Senior ALM Architect

Supporting a world energy actor in devops tools integrations, customizations and LCM


ALM Migration

Supporting a government organization in migrating an ALM / Quality Center database to their data center

Sponsorship: cycling team kit for amateur group 'flandriens'

Provided a cycling team kit with Quality-it branding for +10 true flandriens

Agile Certified T-shape

Certification in Agile T-shape process

Custom Azure DevOps - ServiceNow real-time synchronizer

Developed a custom tailored synchronizer between 2 commonly used enterprise tools Azure DevOps Server and ServiceNow at an international FinTech Company


Service Virtualization

Deploying service virtualization tool at an international FinTech company


Introduction of our Swiss army knife for IT projects


DevOps Engineer

International FinTech company
Ongoing assignment since 2015


Microfocus ALM Support

Tool customization at airspace safety company
Ongoing assignment since 2014


Test tools specialist

Tool customization and support at an international FinTech Company


Certification ISTQB Certified Tester Advanced Level - Technical Test Analyst (CTAL-TTA)

Certified ISTQB Advanced level


HP Accredited Integration Specialist (AIS) – LoadRunner 11.x

Certified HP Performance Test Engineer


Sponsorship: competition team gear for volleyballclub VC Kasterlee

Provided a competition team gear with quality-it / webdesign-it branding for a whole team

HP Certified Instructor

Certified for IT software education provided by HP


Publication of article 'The Record & Playback Fairy Tale'

Test Experience magazine

HP Certified Professional Consultant (CPC) – QuickTest Professional 9.2

Certified test automation specialist

Training IBM Rational Robot

Education in functional test automation tool RFT


Taskforce Test Automation

Leading the test automation taskforce of a Belgian IT consultancy company

HP Quality Center and QuickTest Professional Test Tool Support

Belgian IT consultancy company

Software testing on military e-ID’s solutions

Validation of e-card systems and voting cards at E-card provider


Instructor HP QuickTest Professional and Quality Center

Belgian IT consultancy company


ISEB/ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing

Certified ISTQB Foundation level

Technical Testing - Performance Testing

European train ticketing provider


First company Webdesign-it

Started after winning award 'Best Regional Website', we founded our first company webdesign-it


Winner award Best Regional Website

Winner of award with +200 participants including newspaper and tv coverage

2nd line support Call Center IT

Railway company

Graduat Applied IT

KHK Geel
Master thesis: 'An Intranet/Internet application for UYK personnel in Finland'